Our artisan production workshop

Home / The workshop

Bottega Artigianando is the sector of activity within Bottega d'Arte Antica that offers artisanal craftsmanship for the creation of exclusive and highly customizable furniture and accessories.

At your service

The first idea

It is the initial phase, the moment of discussion with the client, during which we embrace their vision and draft an initial conceptual outline.

The project

The initial idea is elaborated and developed under aesthetic, technical, functional, material, and economic aspects, up to the drafting of the executive drawings.

The production

The in-house workshop, backed by fifty years of experience in artisanal production, an exceptional group of selected craftsmen with various specializations, and continuous updates and technical innovations, takes care of the various processes. It selects the most suitable materials and organizes the various stages across departments, leading to the complete realization of the product.

Customer Satisfaction

The completion of the supply, generally 'turnkey,' includes the delivery and installation of the supplies at the destination addresses, always handled by our expert internal staff.

Do you have a project in mind?

Feel free to contact us for more information or to discuss your idea together. We are at your complete disposal!

innovation 2024